How To Paint And Restore Your Bathtub To Give Your Bathroom A New Look
Changing up the look of a room in your home does not require you to pull out old fixtures and surfaces to replace them with new ones. You can remodel a home in your room by installing a new surface to your tile, counter top or sink basin to refresh its look. Here are some tips to help you remodel your bathroom by resurfacing and painting your bathtub.
Prepare the Bathtub's Surface
When your bathtub becomes stained from rust and chipped from years of wear and damage, you can restore its entire surface with some instructions and a few hours. First, you will need to fully clean your bathtub with a degreaser and soap scum remover, rinsing the cleaner fully from the interior of the tub.
Remove any caulk that has been applied around the tub's edges. Remove the hardware, including the faucet and water controls, the drain, and its plug. Basically, remove everything from the tub you do not want to resurface.
Repair Damage
Now you will need to fill in any dents, dings, and scratches into the surface of the tub. You can find a bathtub repair kit at most home improvement stores, which will come with an epoxy filler to patch any damages of this type. Follow the directions on the package to combine the epoxy mixture together and apply it onto and into any uneven areas of the bathtub.
Smooth the surface of the epoxy with a plastic applicator's straight edge or with a putty knife. Wipe up any excess dabs around the patch using a wet cloth.
Sand the Tub Interior
Allow the epoxy filler to dry fully, according to the package instructions, then use a fine grit sandpaper to sand off any bumps or imperfections from your patch. Use a rough-grit sandpaper or sanding block to thoroughly scratch up the entire bathtub interior.
Sand the entire surface of your bathtub until no shine remains on its surface. This can become a difficult task completing it by hand, so you can rent or borrow an orbital sander to help you complete this step. Wipe off the surface of the sanded tub using a wet cloth to pick up all the dust from the sanding process.
Apply the Paint
Select a bathtub paint at your local home improvement store in your choice of color. Apply it onto the surface of your bathtub using a roller or paint brush. A roller applies the paint a bit more evenly, and applying the paint in two or more coats can ensure the paint is distributed evenly. Make sure you allow the paint to dry before applying any following applications. Wipe up any drips and runs as soon as they occur to prevent it from marring the paint's finish.
Use these steps to help you give your bathtub a new look. For more help, talk with a home remodeling contractor right away.