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5 Signs Water Is Entering A Basement Or Foundation

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Waterproofing a basement or foundation is a critical investment in the survival of a home. However, you'll also need to monitor for signs that the waterproofing may be failing. If you see these 5 signs of trouble, you should ask a waterproofing contractor to check out your place.

Deposits of White Minerals

As water travels through the ground, it absorbs minerals and salts. If the water enters a structure, it will flow through the area and leave behind those minerals. Oftentimes, these appear on the floor or walls as white crystals. Typically, the crystals have a bit of sparkle. If you see trails of while along the floor of a basement near a wall, for example, water may have traveled through, dried up, and left behind these white deposits.


Water will promote life, and one of the simplest forms of life will be the first to start reproducing in your house. Mold can cause discoloration on walls, floors, ceilings, carpets, and tiles. It usually appears as yellow, brown, black, or green stains. You may also see black spots in the wood that indicate where there is still dampness and mold.

Bear in mind that even houses in the driest locations can develop mold. Water can sneaky, and it will promote mold growth even if you have a house in the driest desert on Earth.


Mold and standing water aren't always visible. If there is mold or water behind a wall, for example, you may not see it. However, there's a good chance you'll smell it.

Many people assume basements have a slightly funky smell because they're closed and lack airflow. However, a basement with proper waterproofing and climate control shouldn't smell funky. If you smell something, contact a waterproofing services provider.

Peeling Paint

The paint along the walls of a basement or foundation will tend to seal water in for a while. However, the ingress of water can create pressure that will cause the paint to bubble, peel, and chip. If you see paint falling off a basement wall without any other visible explanation, you should suspect that there's a waterproofing issue. Yes, this sort of peeling can even happen to paint that is meant for waterproofing.

Cracked and Crumbling Materials

Bricks, concrete, and blocks will fail if they are exposed to too much moisture. This is especially the case in cold environments where the heating and freezing of the exterior walls over winter can cause problems. Materials can absorb water, and then the water will expand as it freezes. Repeated expansion and contraction produce cracks and may cause the materials to crumble.

Contact a company like Central Penn Waterproofing to learn more.
